The language(s) that this annotation resource is about, a language which the content of the resource describes or discusses.
Values expected to be one of these types:
Recommended values: - for Australian languages: Uses standard names and codes from - for other languages: use codes from Glottolog
This property and the property inLanguage make up a pair. inLanguage describes the language in which a resource is written, while subjectLanguage describes the language or languages which a resource is about. For example, the following work is about the Italian language (as used in Australia) and is written in English: Caruso, Marinella. Italian language attrition in Australia: The verb system. Franco Angeli, 2010. The subjectLanguage value for this work would therefore be ital1282, the Glottocode for Italian, and the inLanguage value would be stan1293, the Glottocode for Standard English.
Used on these types:
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