
The resource includes material which adds information to some other linguistic record.

This term is an expected value of the property: materialType

This term is included in the defined term set: MaterialTypes

This class will have an annotationType as a property.

This class is the same as OLAC annotation.

The OLAC page linked above has the following comment: 'A linguistic annotation is defined as structured linguistic information that is explicitly aligned to some spatial and/or temporal extent of some other linguistic record.' This allows for the possibility that an annotation can be aligned with the entire extent of a linguistic record, but it is more common that annotations are linked to portions of the linguistic record. In principle, this could mean each annotation (each piece of information aligned to part of a linguistic record) being stored separately. But common practice is to store all annotations of a particular type together, or even to store several types of annotation in a single document or file, treating them as distinct tiers. Various software tools (e.g. ELAN) have implemented this structure for annotations.

This schema treats any information added to a PrimaryMaterial as annotation. Transcription can be considered the paradigm case. A recording of spoken language is a PrimaryResource; a Transcription is a written representation of aspects of the original record and the parts of the Transcription are aligned with parts of the recording by, for example, use of time codes or assignment of utterances to speakers.

An example of several types of annotation being brought to together is aligned interlinear text (also interlinear glossing), a common medium for the presentation of language material.

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